Retrospective — 2022

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Utopie der Unterschiede

Viktor Schimpf

Queer people walk through day and night, do not let themselves be classified, live the utopia of a society in which everyone can be as they want to be.

a part of me

Anna Ryzhkova

Moving to another country can feel like landing on a new planet. What is it like to lose a part of yourself but gain another?

Die dritte Haut

Maja Bühler

You love and scream and play and cry. Here, no one can hear you, no one will ever disturb you, you are alone in your own four walls, your third skin.


Rupert Jörg

A lonely woman begins to transform herself by changing her home. An interplay of total destruction and creation begins.


Stefan Möckel

A man is cleaning up

Come up

Stefan Möckel

One man warns the cameraman


Youngbin Noh

Why do people photograph food? The question arises whether taking pictures is actually for memory or has become a habit for many people.

A few problems

Lukas Graf

An animated character reads out messages from dating apps, personalized ads from social networks, recipes from the Internet, and a summary of favorite music from the past few months. What is

The nature of my computer

Megan Dieudonné, Andrea Rüthel

A curious user drags all the files and folders into the trash and now has a clear view of the landscapes on her desktop. Using pre-installed tools, she speculates on the design, origin and in


Max Bodendorf

Places are organized topologically: They are present through structural relations and perpetual streams of exchanging information. Structures of different scales can share comparable systemic



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